Saturday, January 26, 2013

The other side of researchers..

Lembur di kantor hanya buat kerja? Do you think you should find an alter ego for you?
We can give some solutions on what to do while you are stressed up with so many things..

Bored during over time? Try this.. Don't be too mainstream! 

Another photo when you are bored at the office 

During fire drill evacuation practice.. What else can we do in the parking lot?  

When wearing Indonesian traditional dress..  

And waiting for Jamsostek for putting some data, what else can we do? 

So if you can open more some minds, try to look on the other sides of everything. Taking photos are not just for outdoor during sight seeing right? We can do it as well in the office while everyone is freaking out because of workloads. Don't be too mainstream. :D Try to find some other side of researchers :P 

Best regards,
Kemiri Pix. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Jakarta Underwater Today...

So today's topic is Jakarta underwater. Stay safe everyone! Me, Nana could not make it to the office and I heard Risya's house is flooded :( Hope it will get drier soon. And she's moving out somewhere to her family's house.

No pict yet, but we'll share it maybe soon after everything's getting better.

Anyway, stay safe everyone! Stock clean food and water for your meal maker stocks!

Best regards,
Kemiri Pix.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rockingham, Perth, WA.

Some other photos that I took during my stay in Perth.. In Rockingham! :)

Can you imagine how happy we were? :')

Nads were taking some pictures

Modal minjem mobil orang yang lagi pulang ke Indo :p 

Nampang dikit sama papan "beware of Snakes" 

And in that moment I swear we are infinite... Until we finally found out that reality is much much bitter than those happy and drama moments in Perth! Hahahaha

Good night universe,
Kemiri Pix. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Jalan jalan ke East Perth

Ternyata ada tempat sekeren ini di Perth. Terlihat sekilas seperti di Eropa.
Pastinya tinggal di sini juga semahal-mahal apaan enggak tau..

Ros, Satria, Nadia

Maling... maling :p

Ros, Icha, Saya :D I love this view

Soccer Field

Dulu, waktu masih jaman tinggal di Perth, hiburannya enggak banyak. Jadi kalau ada ajakan pergi sama teman, ya ikutan aja. Salah satu contohnya adalah kita ke lapangan bola sambil nontonin cowok-cowok ini main bola :)

Ini di Thelma Soccer Field :) 

Putra & Odit lagi pemanasan.. 

Nads, my ex-housemate! 

Beuh.. tendangan Satria! 

 Sok-sok nyobain effect fish eye di Photoshop -_-

Sambil liat foto foto ini, sambil dengerin lagu Depapepe - Wedding Bell. Yang ada tambah galau. Kangen Perth!

Best regards,
Kemiri Pix.