Thursday, November 29, 2012

Time stands still when I think of you.

A blog written tonight becaus I cannot sleep. Enjoying the feeling that used to be there. But not anymore. Actually I am forbidden to have that kind of feeling again, but still... Sometimes I still miss that moment anyhow.

It's not the goodbyes that hurts. It is the past that I still remember. The flashback that follows.

Pict taken by Nana Choesin @ City Hall, Singapore.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Kemarin ngobrol banyak sama Risya, nulis di twitter ngomongin yang bodoh-bodoh dan konyol-konyol. Yang paling gw inget adalah: "jodoh untuk bebekku".

Jadi malam ini posting fotonya adalah foto burung, sebenarnya lupa ini jenis apa, kalau enggak salah ini jenis pelikan. Foto ini gw ambil di Perth Zoo, mungkin sekitar April taun 2010.

I do miss that place! :')

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Soccer Field

I took this photo about 2 years ago when I used to live in Perth. Got not much entertainment place so I just follow my friends playing soccer at the field. This one I forgot what the name was, if I'm not mistaken this one is Thelma Soccer Field.

This was the first time too I started to do tone editing :)

Nana - Kemiripix

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sea Scenery

I am just wondering when will I see you again when everything seems so gloomy?

Pict take by Nana Choesin at Kalasey Beach, Manado, North Sulawesi. 

Mumbling about the rain

One Fullerton after The Rain

Here comes the rainy season..
What do you usually do on a rainy day?

Whether it is cuddling under the blanket while drinking hot cocoa, or
going outside and dancing in the rain..

Rain is a magical thing.
It can give you a strange sense of familiarity that somehow makes you nostalgic for something you had. Or even for something you thought you had when actually it never exists.

The Eye of Perth

One of my favorite photos I ever taken. Taken in Perth, 2010. I miss this place definitely. This was called Perth Eye, which is not there anymore. Found out it was temporary built one year ago I think.

I remember I was walking with someone I used to love so bad at night around this area. Hehe. :'') Remember it was so nice at that time though I know he didn't feel the way I did. Until I found out that I adore him so much (maybe up until now).

I miss this place! :)

Best regards,
Nana Choesin - Kemiripix.

Saturday night: it's passion hours!

Not sure what we were going to do at that time, so I asked Risya to accompany me to this exhibition called "Indonesian Creative Power". So we met up this Saturday night at EpiWalk, looking at some sculptures and exhibitions in the hall. Found it very interesting! In my opinion somehow it is similar to Bravacasa, once I went there during fasting month last July in Pacific Place. This one is another art exhibition I went to this year.

Another nice thing, I found out some blocks written about 14 types of creative industry, from advertising, music, architecture, film, fashion, and some others... Forget, hehe :)
But anyway, seeing the fact that Indonesia are starting to boost up the life of creative industry which impressed me a lot :)

Enjoy some picts from us anyway before closing:

Us! :D

Risya & architecture board

Nana (me) and Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

So many creative people outside there!